Sep 15, 2023
A technician reviewing a Lincoln tire

Image via Bob Maxey Lincoln.

Rotating your Lincoln’s tires is vital to ensure even wear across all four tires. How often your vehicle will need a tire rotation depends on your driving style, the quality of your tires, and the model you own. By having your Aviator, Nautilus, or Corsair tires regularly repositioned at your Lincoln dealer, you can enjoy significant savings, better performance, and increased safety.

1. Increases Handling Performance

Maintaining even wear on your vehicle’s tires can significantly enhance its handling performance. Uneven and worn treads can negatively impact your maneuverability and make it difficult for your tires to maintain traction on the road. Having your tires switched every six months will ensure optimal handling.

2. Improves Fuel Economy

One of the key advantages of rotating your tires is that it improves your car’s fuel economy. Tires that are worn and uneven generate more rolling resistance, which strains your engine, making it work harder for your vehicle to move forward. By rotating your tires, you will reduce friction, which will help you save money on gas.

3. Extends Tire Life

The front tires on front-wheel-drive vehicles wear faster and at different rates than the rear tires. Regular rotations every time your car’s oil is changed will ensure that the wear spreads evenly across all four tires and that they wear down at the same rate. Because the tires wear down evenly, they will last much longer.

4. Limits Vibrations 

If your car’s tires are worn unevenly, you may notice a distinct vibration that can be felt through the steering wheel. Vibration can cause damage to your vehicle’s components and affect the wheel alignment and balancing over time. Regularly swapping the tires will minimize vibrations and ensure you enjoy a much more comfortable ride.

5. Saves Money 

By having your Lincoln technician change the position of your tires at regular intervals, you will prolong their lifespan and avoid having to replace them as frequently. Rotations are a great way to get the most out of your tires, making them last longer and saving a lot of money. Switching your tires will save you money on tires, alignment, balancing, and steering and suspension repairs. 

6. Optimizes Safety

Worn and uneven tires make less contact with the road surface and reduce traction. Worn tires also dramatically increase the risk of blowouts, which could cause you to lose control of your vehicle. However, regularly asking your Lincoln technician to reposition your tires improves overall handling, increases traction, and makes your car much safer.

Regularly repositioning your vehicle’s tires has a  significant impact on your car’s overall performance, your safety on the road, and your wallet. If your tires are due for a rotation or it’s time for an oil change, swing by Bob Maxey Lincoln today and ask for a repositioning to ensure they last longer.